Lindy Switch 32251 User Manual

Installation and Use  
CPU Switch Smart - Installation and Use  
First Edition (January 2002)  
Part Number 32251  
© 2002 LINDY Electronics Ltd.  
Ins tallation & Betrieb  
Am LINDY CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC können auch im gemischten Betrieb  
Rechner aus vers chiedenen Welten gleichzeitig betrieben werden. So können sowohl  
SUN Rechner mit Mini-DIN-8 Tastatur/Maus (sowie mit zukünftigen USB Schnittstellen) und  
VGA (HD-15 oder 13W3) Anschluss betrieben werden, wie auch gleichzeitig PCs mit USB,  
PS/2 und VGA sowie moderne MACs mit USB und VGA.  
Auf der Eingabeseite (Bedienkonsole, Arbeitsplatz) finden Tastaturen und Mäuse aus der  
PC-Welt (PS/2 Maus/Tastatur, SVGA Monitor) sowie aus der SUN Welt (SUN Tastatur,  
Maus, SUN SVGA Monitor) Anschluss.  
Der LINDY CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC unterstützt die Audioans chlüs s e aller  
angeschlossenen Rechnersysteme für Lautsprecher und Mikrofon in Voll-Stereo.  
Er unterstützt Monitorauflösungen bis 1900x1440 bis 75Hz sowie DDC Monitorerkennung.  
Der LINDY CPU Switch benötigt bei Kabellängen unter 5m kein Netzteil. Werden größere  
Kabellängen benötigt, so sollte ein optional erhältliches Netzteil verwendet werden; hiermit  
können in den meisten Fällen auch noch Kabellängen bis 20m realisiert werden. Beachten  
Sie bitte, dass für USB Geräte ab 5m Distanz Aktivverlängerungen / Active Extension  
Cable(LINDY Art.Nr. 32853 oder 42800) eingesetzt werden müssen.  
Der LINDY CPU Switch emuliert für alle angeschlossenen Rechner permanent Monitor,  
Maus und Tastatur. Dies sorgt dafür, dass zwischen den angeschlossenen Rechnern  
beliebig oft hin und her geschaltet werden kann, ohne dass die Rechner das Maus- bzw.  
Tastatursignal verlieren und neu gebootet werden müssen.  
Schalten Sie alle anzuschliessenden Computer aus und schliessen Sie sie an die  
ORANGEFARBENEN Ports auf der Rückseite des CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC an.  
Der Rechneranschluss kann nur über Systemkabel erfolgen (LINDY Art.Nr.n in Klammern):  
PS/2-SVGA-Audio: 2m (32951), 5m (32953)  
USB-SVGA-Audio: 2m (32955), 5m (32957)  
SUN-SVGA-Audio: 2m (32961), 5m (32963)  
Sollten größere Kabellängen benötigt werden, so empfehlen wir die Verwendung der  
LINDY 3-in-1 Kombi-Tastatur/Video/Maus-Verlängerungskabel sowie bei Bedarf LINDY  
Audio-Verlängerungskabel. Verwenden Sie in diesen Fällen das optionale Netzteil falls  
Probleme auftreten.  
Serielle PC-Mausanschlüsse (COM-Port, Sub-D-9) werden nur mit dem korrekten  
Mausadpter (z.B. LINDY Art.Nr. 70058) unterstützt (nähere Angaben im ausführlichen  
englischen Handbuch).  
Schließen Sie Ihre Tastatur, Monitor, Maus, Lautsprecher und Mikrofon an den GRAUEN  
Ports auf der Rückseite des CPU Switch SMART an.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
Die Voreinstellungen (Defaultkonfiguration) des CPU Switch SMART ist für die meisten  
Einsatzzwecke geeignet. Der CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC kann über die  
angeschlossenen Rechner mit Strom versorgt werden. Beim Anschluss mehrerer Rechner  
wird die Stromentnahme auf alle Rechner verteilt, so dass auch das Abschalten einzelner  
Rechner kein Problem darstellt.  
Der Computer, auf dem gearbeitet werden soll, kann auf verschiedene Arten ausgewählt  
werden: entweder durch Drücken der Kanalwahltas te auf der Frontblende, durch Drücken  
einer Hotkey-Tas tenkombination auf der Tastatur oder durch eine 3-Tas ten-Maus .  
Um einen Computer per Tastatur-Hotkey auszuwählen werden die Strg und ALT Tasten  
sowie die erforderliche Port-Taste (z.B. 1 ) gleichzeitig gedrückt.  
Zum Umschalten zwischen den angeschlossenen Rechnern mit der Maus müssen die  
mittlere Taste der Maus und gleichzeitig die linke oder rechte Taste kurz gedrückt werden.  
Der LINDY CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC bietet die Möglichkeit, viele integrierte  
Optionen wie Umschalt-Hotkey, Bildschirmschoner, Passwort, AutoScan-Modus, SUN-  
Tastatur-Einstellung weitgehend zu konfigurieren. Informationen hierzu finden Sie im  
ausführlichen englischen Handbuch.  
Weitere Hinweise finden Sie dort auch zu den Themen:  
Kaskadierung mehrerer CPU Switches  
Hot-Plugging von Rechnern am CPU Switch  
Einstellungen für das Mausprotokoll  
Mouse Recovery nach Verlust des PS/2 Maussignals an einem der angeschlossenen PC  
Mouse Recovery nach Abziehen der Maus vom CPU Switch  
Flash-Upgrade der Firmware  
Sicherheits technis che Informationen  
Nur für den Gebrauch innerhalb von trockenen Räumen vorgesehen.  
Die Wartung des CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC darf ausschließlich von dazu  
qualifiziertem Fachpersonal vorgenommen werden.  
Sämtliche Warnhinweise und Anweisungen auf dem CPU Switch SMART SUN-MAC-PC,  
seinem Netzteil und Zubehörteilen sind zu beachten und befolgen.  
Warnung – im Netzteil sind unter Spannung stehende Teile enthalten, es darf nicht  
geöffnet werden.  
Das Netzteil darf nur durch ein von LINDY zugelassenes ersetzt werden.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
Guía rápida de ins talación y funcionamiento  
Desconecte todos los ordenadores y conéctelos a los puertos NARANJA en la parte  
posterior del CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. Para mayor comodidad se recomiendan  
cables combinados 3-en-1 teclado/vídeo/ratón.  
Conecte el teclado, el monitor y el ratón al puerto GRIS en la parte posterior del CPU  
Switch Smart.  
La configuración por defecto del CPU Switch Smart es adecuada para la mayoría de los  
Puede seleccionarse un ordenador utilizando la tecla del panel frontal, un ratón de tres  
botones o una combinación de teclas rápidas en el teclado. Para seleccionar un  
ordenador utilizando el ratón, pulse y suelte los botones izquierdo o derecho mientras  
mantiene pulsado el botón del medio. Para seleccionar un ordenador utilizando las  
teclas rápidas del teclado, mantenga pulsadas las teclas CTRL y ALT, pulse y suelte la  
tecla del puerto requerida (p.e. 1) y a continuación suelte las teclas CTRL y ALT.  
Información s obre s eguridad  
Solamente debe usarse en interiores, en entornos secos y sin grasa.  
No intente realizar ningún tipo de mantenimiento al CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
usted mismo.  
Siga todos los avisos e instrucciones marcadas en el CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC,  
el adaptador de potencia opcional y todos sus accesorios.  
Aviso – el adaptador de potencia opcional tiene piezas con tensión.  
El adaptador de potencia opcional no contiene piezas que pueda mantener el usuario –  
no desmontarlo.  
Cambie el adaptador de potencia opcional solamente con un tipo aprobado por el  
Si utiliza una cable de extensión con el CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC, compruebe  
que el amperaje nominal total de los equipos enchufados en el cable de extensión no  
superen el amperaje nominal del cable de extensión. Asimismo, compruebe que el  
amperaje nominal total de todos los equipos conectados a la toma de red no superen el  
amperaje nominal de la toma.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
Guide d'ins tallation rapide et mode d'emploi  
Mettez tous vos ordinateurs hors tension et raccordez-les aux ports ORANGE à l'arrière  
du CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. Les câbles clavier/vidéo/souris LINDY 3-in-1 sont  
recommandés pour des raisons pratiques.  
Raccordez votre clavier, moniteur et souris au port GRIS à l'arrière du CPU Switch  
La configuration par défaut du CPU Switch Smart convient à la plupart des systèmes.  
Pour sélectionner un ordinateur, utilisez la touche du panneau avant, une souris à trois  
boutons ou une combinaison de touches de raccourci clavier. Pour sélectionner un  
ordinateur à l'aide de la souris, maintenez la pression sur le bouton central et appuyez  
sur le bouton gauche ou droite avant de relâcher. Pour sélectionner un ordinateur avec  
les touches de raccourci clavier, maintenez les touches CTRL et ALT enfoncées,  
appuyez sur la touche du port souhaité (ex. 1) et relâchez, puis relâchez les touches  
CTRL et ALT.  
Cons ignes de s écurité  
A n'utiliser qu'à l'intérieur, dans un environnement sec et exempt d'huile.  
Ne pas assurer soi-même l'entretien du CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
Observer tous les avertissements et instructions marqués sur le CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-  
PC, son adaptateur de courant optionnel et ses accessoires.  
Avertissement – l'adaptateur de courant optionnel renferme des pièces sous tension.  
L'adaptateur de courant optionnel ne contient aucune pièce devant être révisée par l'utilisateur –  
ne pas le démonter.  
Ne remplacer l'adaptateur de courant optionnel que par un adaptateur approuvé par le fabricant.  
Lorsqu'une rallonge est utilisée pour le CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC, vérifier que l'intensité  
nominale totale des périphériques branchés sur la rallonge ne dépasse pas l'intensité nominale du  
câble. Par ailleurs, vérifier que l'intensité nominale totale de tous les périphériques branchés sur la  
prise murale ne dépasse pas l'intensité nominale de la prise murale elle-même.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
Guida di ins tallazione rapida e funzionamento  
Spegnere tutti i computer e collegarli alle porte ARANCIONI sul retro dell’CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. Per facilità consigliamo i cavi LINDY combinati 3-in-  
1 tastiera/video/mouse.  
Collegare la tastiera, monitor e mouse alla porta GRIGIA sul retro dell’CPU  
Switch Smart.  
La configurazione di default dell’CPU Switch Smart è adatta alla maggior parte  
dei sistemi.  
Si può selezionare un computer usando il tasto sul pannello frontale, un mouse a  
tre bottoni o una tastiera con tasti attivi. Per selezionare un computer con il  
mouse, premere e rilasciare i bottoni sinistro o destro trattenendo  
contemporaneamente quello centrale. Per selezionare un computer con tasti attivi  
tastiera, tener premuti i tasti CTRL e ALT, premere e rilasciare il tasto porta  
richiesta (es. 1) e quindi rilasciare i tasti CTRL e ALT.  
Informazionoi riguardanti la s icurezza  
Da usare esclusivamente in interni asciutti e privi di olio.  
Non cercare di effettuare manutenzione sull’CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
Seguire tutti gli avvertimenti ed istruzioni presenti sull’CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC,  
sull’adattatore opzionale di potenza e sugli accessori.  
Attenzione – ladattatore opzionale di potenza contiene parti sotto tensione.  
L’adattatore opzionale di potenza non contiene parti soggette a manutenzione da parte dell’utente  
– non smontarlo.  
Sostituire ladattatore opzionale di potenza solo con uno di tipo approvato dal produttore.  
Se si usa una prolunga con lCPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC, controllare che la potenza  
nominale totale in ampère dei dispositivi collegati alla prolunga non superi la potenza nominale in  
ampère della prolunga stessa. Controllare inoltre che la potenza nominale totale in ampère dei  
dispositivi collegati non superi la potenza nominale in ampère della presa a muro.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
About this manual  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC - Installation and Use  
First edition (January 2002)  
(c) 2002 LINDY  
Part No. 32251  
All rights reserved. Whilst every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this  
manual, LINDY assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any  
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained  
herein. We reserve the right to change the specifications, functions and circuitry of  
the product without notice. All trademarks acknowledged.  
Safety information  
For use in dry, oil free indoor environments only.  
Do not attempt to service the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC yourself.  
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-  
MAC-PC, its optional power adapter and its accessories.  
Warning - live parts contained within optional power adapter.  
No user serviceable parts within optional power adapter - do not dismantle.  
Replace the optional power adapter with a manufacturer approved type only.  
If you use a power extension cord with the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC,  
make sure the total ampere rating of the devices plugged into the extension cord  
does not exceed the cords ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total ampere  
rating of all the devices plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the wall  
outlets ampere rating.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC Ins tallation and Us e  
Page 1  
LINDY warrants that this product shall be free from defects in workmanship and  
materials for a period of three years from the date of original purchase. If the product  
should fail to operate correctly in normal use during the warranty period, LINDY will  
replace or repair it free of charge. No liability can be accepted for damage due to  
misuse or circumstances outside LINDY’s control. Also LINDY will not be  
responsible for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from the use  
of this product. LINDY’s total liability under the terms of this warranty shall in all  
circumstances be limited to the replacement value of this product.  
If any difficulty is experienced in the installation or use of this product that you are  
unable to resolve, please contact your supplier.  
All trademarks mentioned in this manual are acknowledged to be the property of the  
respective trademark owners.  
Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.  
Hewlett-Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard.  
IBM, PC/AT, PS/2, RS/6000 and ThinkPad are registered trademarks of  
International Business Machines Corporation.  
Logitech, MouseMan+ and Pilot Mouse+ are trademarks of Logitech Inc.  
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks, and IntelliMouse is a trademark  
of Microsoft Corporation.  
Velcro is a trademark of Velcro USA Inc.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC Ins tallation and Us e  
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Radio Frequency Energy  
Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to maintain compliance with radio  
frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity  
to electromagnetic disturbances.  
European EMC directive 89/336/EEC  
FCC Compliance Statement (United States )  
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate  
radio frequency energy and if not installed and  
used properly, that is, in strict accordance with  
the manufacturers instructions, may cause  
interference to radio communication. It has been  
tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
class A computing device in accordance with the  
specifications in Subpart J of part 15 of FCC  
rules, which are designed to provide reasonable  
protection against such interference when the  
equipment is operated in a commercial  
environment. Operation of this equipment in a  
residential area may cause interference, in  
which case the user at his own expense will be  
required to take whatever measures may be  
necessary to correct the interference. Changes  
or modifications not expressly approved by the  
manufacturer could void the users authority to  
operate the equipment.  
This equipment has been tested and found to  
comply with the limits for a class A computing  
device in accordance with the specifications in  
the European standard EN55022. These limits  
are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference. This equipment  
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency  
energy and if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instructions may cause  
harmful interference to radio or television  
reception. However, there is no guarantee that  
harmful interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause  
interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the  
equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to  
correct the interference with one or more of the  
following measures: (a) Reorient or relocate the  
receiving antenna. (b) Increase the separation  
between the equipment and the receiver. (c)  
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit  
different from that to which the receiver is  
connected. (d) Consult the supplier or an  
experienced radio / TV technician for help.  
Canadian Department of Communications  
RFI s tatement  
This equipment does not exceed the class A  
limits for radio noise emissions from digital  
apparatus set out in the radio interference  
regulations of the Canadian Department of  
Le présent appareil numérique német pas de  
bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites  
applicables aux appareils numériques de la  
classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le  
brouillage radioélectriques publpar le  
ministère des Communications du Canada.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC Ins tallation and Us e  
Page 3  
1. Introduction ..................................................................................... 6  
1.1 Key features............................................................................................6  
1.2 Package contents ...................................................................................8  
1.3 Remote controller contents .....................................................................8  
1.4 Product information ................................................................................9  
2. Ins tallation ....................................................................................... 11  
2.1 What you will need .................................................................................11  
2.2 Mounting the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC ....................................13  
2.3 Connecting your devices .......................................................................13  
2.4 Interface powered' operation without the optional power adapter ........16  
2.5 Configuring your PCs .............................................................................16  
2.6 Configuring the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC ................................16  
2.7 Summary of CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC configuration options ....18  
2.8 Resetting the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC without  
disconnecting your devices...........................................................................20  
2.9 Other useful installation information ......................................................20  
2.10 Re-enabling a disconnected PS/2 mouse ............................................21  
2.11 Hot plugging the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC into running  
systems and re-enabling disconnected PS/2 CPU mouse connections ......21  
2.12 Upgrading the CPU Switch Smart's flash memory ..............................23  
3. Us ing the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC ............................... 28  
3.1 Power on status ......................................................................................28  
3.2 Front panel keys and remote controller ..................................................28  
3.3 Status display .........................................................................................29  
3.4 Keyboard hotkey control.........................................................................30  
3.5 Mouse control .........................................................................................31  
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4. CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC configuration options ............ 32  
4.1 Screen saver time delay ........................................................................32  
4.2 Autoscan lock on mode and delay time .................................................32  
4.3 Mouse mode and mouse switching of channels .....................................33  
4.4 Keyboard hotkey combination ...............................................................35  
4.5 Cycling between all channels or just the active channels ......................35  
4.6 Firmware functions (version query, mouse restore and reset) ..............35  
4.7 Setting a security password ...................................................................36  
4.8 Cascade query code ..............................................................................37  
4.9 Resolving slow mouse problems ...........................................................37  
4.10 Sun keyboard type ...............................................................................38  
4.11 Using the Sun keyboard's "hot media" keys to select computers ........38  
4.12 Customising the Sun keyboard operation to force the  
generation of a £ ...................................................................................38  
4.13 Exit configure mode .............................................................................39  
A - Cable and connector specifications .................................................................40  
B - Problem solving ...............................................................................................46  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
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1. Introduction  
Thank you for purchasing the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. Your CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC is a very high performance multi-platform keyboard, monitor  
and mouse sharing device which supports a wide range of computer hardware and  
software platforms. Stereo speaker and microphone connections add further to the  
CPU Switch Smart's versatility by enabling you to control several multimedia  
computers from a single console. Your CPU Switch Smart intelligently handles the  
conversions between various hardware standards so that you can use a single  
keyboard and mouse of your choice to control a diverse mixture of computers. A  
range of useful features and functions have been provided to enhance the ease of  
use of this product and we trust that you will enjoy using it.  
1.1 Key features  
Control multiple computers from a single console (keyboard, mouse, monitor,  
stereo speakers and microphone).  
Connects to computers with Sun (8-pin) or PC (6-pin) style keyboard and mouse  
SPU models also connect to computers with USB keyboard and mouse  
All models support Sun or PC style keyboards and mice.  
Automatic "seamless" conversion between different hardware platforms.  
Channel switching by front panel key, keyboard hotkey, 3 button mouse or Sun  
keyboard "hot media" keys.  
"All-in-one" colour coded cables provide a very neat installation with excellent  
video quality.  
Supports a very wide range of software including Windows 3.X, WFWG, 95, 98,  
2000, ME, XP, NT, DOS, Unix, Linux®, Novell® NetWare®, OS/2, BSD, Solaris,  
Mac OS (8.6 and higher).  
Automatic detection of the connected hardware.  
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Continuous keyboard and mouse emulation on all ports ensures problem free  
computer bootup.  
On SPU models, continuous USB device emulation ensures reliable and quick  
switching without having to wait several seconds for the USB bus to enumerate.  
Interface powered operation – CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC draws its power  
from the connected computers for maximum convenience.  
Intelligent switching feature enables users to switch between all ports or just the  
active ports.  
Stereo audio and microphone support makes MP ideal for multimedia  
"Clickless" audio switching ensures that the speakers don't "thump" every time  
that you switch channels.  
Supports high bandwidth monitors at resolutions up to 1900 x 1440 with an  
excellent video transfer characteristic - high bandwidth and low distortion.  
RS232 mice supported as standard.  
Flash upgradeable - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC's firmware may be  
upgraded by connecting a computer's serial port and running a download  
Video channels support Display Data Channel (DDC/DDC1/DDC2) signalling.  
Password security prevents unauthorised use.  
User options stored in EEPROM memory.  
Remote control module for convenient operation.  
Sun keyboard remap feature to force generation of £ key.  
Automatically restores keyboard and mouse states when channel changed.  
Supports mouse prompt and stream modes for maximum compatibility.  
Includes screen saver, auto-scan and variable hotkey options.  
Supports Microsoft IntelliMouse and other common wheel mice.  
Allows mixtures of controlling devices such as a Sun keyboard with a PC style  
PS/2 mouse.  
Mouse restoration functions to enable ‘hot plugging’ of certain systems.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
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Keyboard, mouse and CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC resets may be performed  
without disconnecting devices.  
Supports IBM ThinkPad Y’ cables.  
Power and activity indication confirm correct operation.  
All ports are active simultaneously – all computers may all be booted at the same  
Keyboard data flowing through the CPU Switch Smart is kept in its "native" format  
which enables the additional keys on enhanced keyboards to be supported.  
Robust metal case ensures good shielding and video quality.  
All models support desktop and laptop PCs, Sun (8-pin style), RS6000s, DEC  
Alphas, and Silicon Graphics.  
SPU models additionally support Sun (USB style), desktop and laptop PCs (USB  
style) and Apple (USB style).  
Optional power adapter can be used for video only’ or cascade applications.  
1.2 Package contents  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
This installation guide.  
(Please note that a power adapter is NOT required for most applications and so is  
not included. This may be purchased separately if required -  
part code:32290 IEC Power Adaptor with UK Mains Lead  
part code:32265 IEC Power Adaptor with US Mains Lead  
part code:32263 IEC Power Adaptor with Schuko Mains Lead part  
code:32274 Wall Mount Power Adaptor with Euro Plug)  
1.3 Remote controller contents (part code: 32255)  
Remote control module.  
Velcro strip for mounting remote controller.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
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1.4 Product information  
Figure 1 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC front view  
Figure 2 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC rear view  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
Page 9  
Figure 3 - Remote control pad / dis play (optional acces s ory)  
Figure 4 - Rear view of CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
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2. Ins tallation  
2.1 What you will need  
Cables to connect the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to each of your  
computers. These cables are specially constructed for use with the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC and may be purchased from your CPU Switch Smart SUN-  
MAC-PC supplier. Cable specifications and part codes are given in appendix A.  
A suitable keyboard. Supported types are:  
1) A Sun keyboard with an 8 pin mini-DIN connector (recommended if you are  
going to connect any Sun computers to the MP).  
2) A standard PC style keyboard with a 6 pin mini-DIN PS/2 style connector.  
3) A standard PC style keyboard with a 5 pin DIN connector and an AT to PS/2  
keyboard adapter (5 pin DIN to 6 pin mini-DIN)  
A suitable mouse. If you wish to use the mouse to switch the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC's channel then you will need a three button mouse or an IntelliMouse.  
Supported types are:  
1) A standard PC style two or three button Microsoft or Logitech compatible  
mouse or a Microsoft IntelliMouse compatible mouse with a 6-pin mini-DIN  
2) A Sun mouse of the type that plugs into the Sun keyboard. This should have  
an 8 pin mini-DIN connector.  
A monitor with a standard VGA/SVGA (15 pin) connector that will work when  
connected directly to each of your computers. CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
supports low and high resolution monitors. If you have a monitor with a 13 pin 13W3  
connector of the type that was traditionally used to connect to older Sun computers  
then you will need an adapter to convert this to the 15 pin format - please contact  
your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supplier.  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCIns tallation and Us e  
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You may also need one or more of the following adapters. These adapters may  
be obtained from your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supplier and other good  
Video adapter - 13W3 male connector to 15 pin D-type connector  
(LINDY part code: 70127)  
If you have a Sun computer with an older style 13W3 video connector then you  
will need an adapter to convert this to the 15 way D-type format.  
Keyboard adapter - 6 pin mini-DIN female to 5 pin s tandard DIN male  
(LINDY part code: 70130)  
If you have a PC with an older style 5 pin standard DIN connector then you will  
need an adapter to convert this to the 6 pin mini-DIN format.  
Mous e adapter - 9 pin D-type female to 6 pin mini-DIN female  
(LINDY part code: 70058)  
If you have a PC with an older style RS232 mouse connection then you will need  
an adapter to convert this to the 6 pin mini-DIN format. There are several  
specifications of these adapters that are provided with various mice. They all look  
the same but unfortunately there are several common wiring schemes all of  
which are different. To ensure that you have the right adapter, either purchase  
this from your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supplier or check your adapter  
against the wiring specification given in Appendix A.  
If you are connecting to PCs then you will need a suitable mouse driver.  
Supported types are:  
1) A PS/2 or RS232 two button mouse driver (any manufacturer).  
2) Microsoft mouse driver (including IntelliMouse).  
3) Logitech mouse driver (including two button, three button and wheel mouse).  
4) A mouse driver that is compatible with the above types (most are).  
(The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supports Internet Mice’ that are compatible  
with the Microsoft IntelliMouse. These are fitted with a wheel or other scroll control  
and sometimes have additional buttons. Examples are: Microsoft IntelliMouse,  
Logitech Pilot Mouse+, Logitech MouseMan+, Genius NetMouse and Genius  
NetMouse Pro.)  
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Us e of PS/2 and RS232 s tyle mice with the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC -  
All of the mouse connections from CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to PCs support  
either a PS/2 or an RS232 mouse. CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC automatically  
converts from the PS/2 mouse commands to RS232 serial mouse commands. Serial  
mice types are selected by using an adapter as described in Appendix A. The CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC will operate without a mouse connected if you do not  
wish to use one.  
2.2 Mounting the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC has been designed for use on a desktop or  
shelf in close proximity to the users monitor and peripherals. The optional remote  
controller may be used if you wish to locate the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC on  
a desk or shelf that is some distance from the monitor and peripherals.  
2.3 Connecting your devices  
Ensure that the optional power adapter is disconnected from the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC and that all the devices which are to be attached are switched off.  
Connect the shared keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and microphone to the  
connectors at the rear of the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC (see figs 1, 2 and 3).  
If you are using a Sun keyboard with an 8 pin DIN connector then plug the keyboard  
into the MP and the mouse into the keyboard. You may leave any unused ports  
disconnected if you don't wish to use all these devices.  
Next, connect each computer system unit in turn using the LINDY interface cables  
that you have purchased for use with the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC (see  
Appendix A for cable specifications and part codes). These are colour coded and  
should connect directly to the various ports on your computers. The three main  
cable types are shown in figure 5. These cables are available with or without the  
audio connectors. Any unused computer connections can be left unconnected.  
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Figure 5 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC cables.  
See appendix A for part codes and ordering information  
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To connect PCs with serial mouse connections and AT style keyboard connections  
use the PC cable together with the adapters specified in appendix A. If you have an  
existing 6-pin mini-DIN to 9-pin serial adapter that came with a mouse it may not be  
suitable for use with the CPU Switch Smart as there are several different standard  
wiring configurations for these adapters.  
To connect Sun computers with older style 13W3 video connections you will need to  
use the Sun cable together with a 13W3 to 15 way D-type video adapter.  
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The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is now ready for use and will start to operate  
as soon as one of the attached PCs is powered on. If you are connecting to PCs  
using cables that are longer than 5 metres or are cascading the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC to another CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC you will need to use the  
optional power adapter. When using the optional power adapter, ensure that it is  
connected to the mains and powering the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC before  
you switch on the connected computers. Failure to switch the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC and computers on in the correct order can lead to the mouse and/or  
keyboard not being recognised by the computers when they are switched on.  
2.4 Interface powered’ operation without the optional power  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC draws its power from the connected  
computers via the keyboard cables. A single keyboard connection is normally  
sufficient to power the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC provided that the cable is  
no longer than 5 metres. If more than one computer is connected then the power will  
be intelligently drawn from all computers. Cables longer than 5 metres may be used  
provided that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is already powered by another  
connected computer or the optional power adapter. If you are cascading the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to another CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC then a  
power adapter must be connected to all CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs.  
2.5 Configuring your computers  
Configure your computers in the same way that you would if your keyboard, mouse  
and monitor were all connected directly to your computer. For PCs, the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC emulates Microsoft compatible serial, IntelliMouse, and PS/2  
mice, so ensure that your PC software is configured for a Microsoft mouse of the  
correct type. Refer to the list of supported drivers in section 2.1.  
2.6 Configuring the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is supplied pre-configured with factory  
defaults which are suitable for most applications. There are a number of more  
advanced options which can be set by the user. These are stored in the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC's EEPROM memory and are retained when the power is  
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The options may be changed whilst the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is in  
configure mode. You may enter configure mode at initial power on or whilst the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is running:  
To enter configure mode at power on:  
Switch off all the attached computers and the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
Hold down the front panel key whilst powering on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-  
PC. Remember that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC draws its power from any  
attached PC via the keyboard cable and so will power itself on when the attached  
PC is switched on or when the optional power adapter is connected. Do not release  
the key until the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC displays 'u'. Whilst the CPU  
Switch Smart is displaying 'u', press and hold down the front panel key for 5  
seconds until the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC displays 'C' to show that it has  
entered configure mode.  
If you wish you may use the reset switch that is situated on the underside of the  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC (see figure 4) to perform a power-on reset without  
powering down the connected computers.  
To enter configure mode whils t the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is  
Hold down the front panel key for 5 seconds until the front panel display shows C.  
In configure mode, options are entered by typing a letter followed by a number  
followed by (return). Use ESC to abort the entry of an option. The CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC will remain in configure mode until you type 'E' (return).  
For example: to set hotkey option 2 type the following at the 'C' prompt  
(at CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC 'C' prompt)  
To exit configure mode type:  
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2.7 Summary of CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC configuration  
Full details of each of the configuration options and their uses are given in section 4.  
B1 - screen saver disabled (default)  
B2 - Blank screen after 1 minute of inactivity  
B3 - Blank screen after 2 minutes of inactivity  
B4 - Blank screen after 4 minutes of inactivity  
B5 - Blank screen after 8 minutes of inactivity  
B6 - Blank screen after 12 minutes of inactivity  
B7 - Blank screen after 16 minutes of inactivity  
B8 - Blank screen after 20 minutes of inactivity  
D1 - Sun default keyboard type = UK (default setting)  
D2 - Sun default keyboard type = UNIX / US  
S1 - Enable "hot media" keys (default)  
S2 - Disable "hot media" keys  
S3 - Enable shift-3 remap  
S4 - Disable shift-3 remap (default)  
(Shift-3 remap inserts key sequence  
[compos e] L -)  
L1 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC locks on to active ports only during  
autoscanning (default)  
L2 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC locks on to every port during autoscanning  
L3 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to  
active ports only  
L4 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to  
all ports  
L7 - Cascade query code = AD (default)  
L8 - Cascade query code = EF  
T1 - 2 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port (default)  
T2 - 5 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T3 - 7 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T4 - 10 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
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T5 - 15 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T6 - 20 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T7 - 30 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T8 - 60 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
U1 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are switchable using a 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse (default)  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U2 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U3 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 3 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U4 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)  
U5 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)  
U7 – Cycle between all ports when switching with Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button  
mouse (default)  
U8 – Cycle between active ports only when switching with Hotkeys + Tab’ or three  
button mouse  
H1 - Hotkey combination is CTRL + ALT + command key (default)  
H2 - Hotkey combination is CTRL + SHIFT + command key  
H3 - Hotkey combination is ALT + SHIFT + command key  
H4 - Hotkey combination is RIGHT ALT + command key  
H5 - Hotkey combination is LEFT ALT + RIGHT ALT + command key  
H6 - Hotkey combination is LEFT CTRL + LEFT ALT + command key  
H7 - Hotkey combination is RIGHT CTRL + RIGHT ALT + command key  
H8 - No hotkey combination enabled  
F1 - Display firmware first digit (Note: F1 is Ffollowed by 1NOT l)  
F2 - Display firmware second digit  
F3 - Display firmware third digit  
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function  
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function  
F8 - RESET all configurations to default settings. (Display confirms with 'r').  
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P - Sets password - see section 4.6 for instructions.  
E - Exits configure mode and returns the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to  
normal operation mode.  
2.8 Res etting the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC without  
dis connecting your devices  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC draws its power from the connected  
computers and therefore may only be fully powered down when all the connected  
computers have been switched off or disconnected. However, the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC may be reset without disconnecting or powering down your  
computers by using the reset switch on the underside of the unit. Performing a reset  
using this switch performs a complete hardware reset on the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC and is equivalent to switching off the power. To perform a hardware  
reset, insert a small blunt object, such as the ball of a pen, into the small hole on the  
base of the CPU Switch Smart.  
2.9 Other us eful ins tallation information  
PC boot up s equence - When your PCs are powered on they communicate with  
any attached keyboards and mice and setup parameters required by the particular  
operating system. It is necessary for the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to be  
attached and powered on during this sequence so that it can give the required  
responses and keep track of all the modes and settings requested by each of the  
connected PCs.  
Mous e characteris tics - do not unplug a PS/2 mouse connection from a PC whilst  
the PC is on. Due to the design of PS/2 mice communications the mouse function on  
the PC will be lost and you will have to re-boot the PC to regain normal operation.  
Unplugging the mouse from the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC will also cause it  
to stop operating when it is plugged back in. RS232 mice can usually be unplugged  
and plugged back in provided that a mouse was connected when the operating  
system initially booted. The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is fitted with a PS/2  
mouse recovery system which allows you to disconnect and re-connect the shared  
mouse without powering down the system (although this is generally not advisable) -  
see section 2.10 for details.  
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Keyboard and mous e mode s witching - The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
keeps a log of the keyboard and mouse mode and resolution settings requested by  
each of the connected computers. These settings are automatically restored to the  
shared keyboard and mouse when the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channel is  
switched thus ensuring maximum software compatibility. The keyboard num, caps  
and scroll lock states are an obvious example of this process.  
2.10 Re-enabling a dis connected PS/2 mous e  
If you disconnect the shared PS/2 mouse from the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
by accident during operation then the mouse operation will be lost when the mouse  
is plugged back in. To avoid having to reboot the entire system in this situation the  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is fitted with an automatic mouse recovery  
With the PS/2 mouse disconnected, change the channel using the keypad or  
keyboard hotkeys. The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC detects that the mouse  
has been disconnected and triggers the automatic recovery system. Plug in the PS/2  
mouse and the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC will re-initialise it.  
2.11 Hot plugging the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC into running  
s ys tems and re-enabling dis connected CPU PS/2 mous e  
It is advisable to switch off the systems that are going to be connected to the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC before installation. However, if this is not possible then  
most systems can be hot plugged by using the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs  
mouse restoration functions. The keyboard connection will normally restore itself  
On many PCs, mouse movement will be lost if the PS/2 mouse is unplugged and  
plugged back in whilst the PC is running. Mouse movement can then only be  
restored by rebooting the PC. This is because the mouse drivers only setup and  
enable the mouse when the PC is initially booted.  
If you have switched off your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC or you are  
attempting to hot plug’ it into a system that is already running, you may be able to  
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restore lost mouse movement using the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC's mouse  
restoration functions.  
Mous e res toration functions s hould be us ed with care as unpredictable  
res ults may occur if the wrong mous e type is s elected. If in doubt res tore the  
mous e by powering down the PC normally.  
Standard PS/2 mouse data uses a different data format to IntelliMouse data and so  
two reset functions are provided on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. The type  
of data format expected by the PC depends upon the driver and the type of mouse  
that was connected when the driver was booted. The following table may be used as  
a guide.  
Note that the mouse reset functions predict the likely mouse resolution settings but  
may not restore the speed or sensitivity of the mouse exactly as they were when the  
PC originally booted.  
Type of mous e / s ys tem  
Connected at bootup  
Driver type Likely expected  
data format  
Sugges ted  
res toration  
PS/2 only  
IntelliMouse / CPU Switch Smart PS/2 only  
IntelliMouse / CPU Switch Smart IntelliMouse  
To restore lost mouse movement on a CPU connected to the CPU Switch Smart  
1) Select the CPU that has lost its mouse movement  
2) Press the select key on the front of the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC for 5  
seconds until Cis displayed. You are now in configure mode.  
3) To restore a PS/2 mouse connection press  
F 5  
Or, to restore an IntelliMouse connection press  
F 6  
4) Exit from configure mode by typing  
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5) Test the mouse movement by moving the mouse a short distance.  
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function  
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function  
2.12 Upgrading the CPU Switch Smart's flas h memory  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC uses flash memory technology which enables  
the firmware code to be upgraded by the user. Upgrades are performed by  
connecting a PC's serial port to the CPU Switch Smart's options port and running an  
upgrade program on the PC. This upgrade program downloads the new firmware to  
the CPU Switch Smart and checks that the data has been programmed correctly.  
To perform a firmware upgrade on your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC you will  
need a suitable serial upgrade cable and an IBM PC compatible computer with an  
RS232 serial port and an operating system that supports DOS. Upgrade cables may  
be purchased from LINDY Electronics or may be made using the wiring specification  
given in Appendix A4. You will also need to download the latest version of the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC firmware which is available free of charge at  
To perform a flash upgrade on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC:  
Step 1 - Connect your computer to the CPU Switch Smart  
Connect your computer's serial port to the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC's  
options port (labelled OPTIONS/FLASH).  
Step 2 - Res et the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC whils t holding down the  
front panel key  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC may be reset by powering it off and then on  
again. Remember that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC draws its power from  
any of the connected computers so you will need to power down or disconnect all  
the computers to power down the CPU Switch Smart. Alternatively you may reset  
the CPU Switch Smart by inserting a small blunt object, such as the nib of a ball  
point pen, into the small hole located on the underside of the CPU Switch Smart  
(see figure 4). Hold down the front panel key BEFORE the CPU Switch Smart is  
reset and keep it held down until the CPU Switch Smart has powered on and  
displays 'u'.  
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Step 3 - Ens ure that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is powered on and  
dis plays 'u'  
Ensure that the CPU Switch Smart is powered on. It is normally possible to upgrade  
the CPU Switch Smart when it is powered from a single computer. The upgrade  
program monitors the CPU Switch Smart's voltage and will not allow an upgrade to  
be performed if the voltage is insufficient.  
The display should now show:  
Step 4 - Run the upgrade program  
The latest version of the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC firmware is available  
from the LINDY Technology website at The upgrade files will be  
supplied to you as a group and consist of several files as explained below. These  
files should be downloaded to the same directory on your computer.  
1) A universal upgrade program  
2) Binary code files for each of the processors within the CPU Switch (up to 3)  
These files use the following naming scheme. The first two characters are the  
product type (e.g. MP = CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC). The next three  
characters represent the firmware release version (e.g. 129 equals version 1.29).  
The last character is designation that tells the upgrade program where to load the  
file within the MP.  
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3) A data file that tells the upgrade program (AVMP.EXE) which binary code files to  
download to the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC and where to put each file.  
Theoretically this DAT file can be modified so that only certain processors are  
upgraded but do not do this unless specifically instructed by LINDY technical  
Like the code files, the first two digits represent the product type (e.g. MP is CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC). The next three digits represent the version number  
(e.g. 129 equals firmware version 1.29). The last three digits are the model number  
(e.g. SPU is the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supporting Sun, PC and USB  
To upgrade the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC, check that the DAT file  
designation matches the model that you have. In other words, if you have an CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC and you want to upgrade to version 1.30 then the DAT  
file that you need would be named MP130SPU.DAT. Also check that all the required  
files are loaded into the same directory on your computer. From that directory run  
the upgrade file using the following command line.  
AVMP {Dat_file_name}.DAT  
Where {Dat_file_name} is the name of the required DAT file  
For example, if the name of the required DAT file is MP129SPU.DAT then use the  
following command line:  
For your convenience the upgrade files will include a batch file that contains the  
command shown above. To run the upgrade using the batch file, type the name of  
the batch file e.g.  
Follow the instructions given on the screen to perform the upgrade. When the  
upgrade is complete the program will confirm that the upgrade has been successful  
and then quit.  
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During the upgrade the display will show an upper case U and the dot will flash to  
show that the upgrade is in progress.  
Step 5 - Complete the upgrade proces s  
When the upgrade program reports that the upgrade process is complete, reset the  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to start normal operation. This may be done by  
powering off the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC or by using the reset switch  
located on the underside of the CPU Switch Smart.  
Some us eful is s ues to bear in mind when performing flas h upgrades  
The upgrade program rewrites the CPU Switch Smart's firmware code. If the  
upgrade process is interrupted then the CPU Switch Smart will have invalid code  
and will not be able to operate. It is therefore good practice to ensure that the  
upgrade process is always fully completed. A partial or failed upgrade may be  
rectified by performing another upgrade. If the upgrade process is interrupted  
accidentally then you should immediately repeat the upgrade process. Running  
faulty or partially upgraded code may have unpredictable results and may damage  
your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC or computing equipment. For obvious  
reasons, the code that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC uses to perform  
upgrades is not itself upgradeable - a common problem on some flash upgradeable  
products that could effectively be destroyed by a partial upgrade!  
WARNING - Running faulty or partially upgraded code may have unpredictable  
res ults and may damage your CPU Switch Smart or computing equipment.  
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The upgrade programs are DOS bas ed to enable compatibility with the wides t  
range of operating s ys tems . They run efficiently on DOS, Windows 3.X,  
Workgroups , 95, 98, ME and Windows NT. The upgrades will take  
approximately 10 minutes but vary s lightly according to the SmartView model  
and the s peed of the PC. Upgrades run from PCs us ing Windows 2000 will  
take very s ubs tantially longer due to the way that this operating s ys tem  
handles the DOS programs . The upgrade will be reliable but may take around  
3 hours to complete!  
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3. Us ing the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
This section explains the general operation of the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
We recommend that you read this section before starting to use the product.  
3.1 Power on s tatus  
At power on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC selects computer 1 and displays  
'1'. If a password has been set then P will be displayed and the CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC will remain locked until a valid password is entered.  
3.2 Front panel key and remote controller  
The front panel key is used to select which channel is currently controlled by the  
shared keyboard, mouse and monitor ports. Pressing the key during normal  
operation will cause the next channel to be selected.  
The key can also be used to access the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs  
configuration mode (see section 2.6). To do this press the key and hold it down for 5  
seconds until C’ appears on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs front panel  
An optional remote controller is also available which replicates the front panel key  
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and display, but can be located remotely from the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
This is particularly useful in applications where the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
is located away from the desktop. The remote controller can be conveniently  
attached to your keyboard with a couple of Velcro strips to give instant channel  
information and key control.  
3.3 Status dis play  
The status display usually shows the currently selected port. If autoscan mode is  
selected, the segments will illuminate in sequence in a clockwise direction  
interspersed with a display of the currently selected channel. If CPU Switch Smart  
SUN-MAC-PC has been locked, P will be displayed until a valid password has been  
typed to unlock the unit. Data flow from the mouse or keyboard causes the dot to  
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3.4 Keyboard hotkey control  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC can be conveniently controlled by selecting  
channel, autoscan mode or security locking from the keyboard. All of the hotkey  
control commands are invoked by holding down the two hotkeys and then pressing a  
command key. By default, the two hotkeys are CTRL and ALT’, although other  
combinations can be selected by reconfiguring the hotkeys (see section 4.4). Once  
the hotkey command has been activated you will need to release the hotkeys and  
the command key before a new hotkey command is accepted by the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC. HOTKEYs + TAB is an exception and this allows you to 'tab  
through' the ports by holding down the hotkeys and repeatedly pressing TAB.  
The hotkey command are summarised below (note that the numbers on the numeric  
keypad do not form part of a valid hotkey) :  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and 1- selects channel 1  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and 2- selects channel 2  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and 3- selects channel 3  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and 4- selects channel 4  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and TAB’ - selects the next channel  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and A’ - selects autoscan mode where each channel is displayed for  
the selected time (see section 4.2). To cancel autoscan mode simply select any  
fixed channel either by hotkey or using the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC button.  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and 0switches off the video signal and displays 0. This will cause  
some monitors to go into standby mode or switch off. The video signal can be re-  
enabled by selecting a channel.  
‘HOTKEYs ’ and L’ - disables the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC's keyboard and  
mouse and displays 0. The video signal is switched off. If a password has not been  
set then the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC can be re-enabled by selecting a  
channel. If a password has been set then the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
displays 'P' to indicate that a valid password must be entered to unlock the switch.  
Simply type the same key combination as was set during configuration (see section  
4.7) followed by the (return) key. Note - if anyone has typed at the keyboard whilst in  
secure mode, it will be necessary to type (return) first to clear the invalid password,  
then type the valid password followed by (return) again.  
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Examples of common hotkey sequences (assuming CTRL + ALT hotkey option):  
To s elect channel 2:  
press ba2release 2ba  
To 'tab through' channels :  
press bavrelease vpress v  
release vpress vrelease vba  
3.5 Mous e control  
Computers may conveniently be selected using a three button mouse. In order to  
switch to the next computer simply hold down the central mouse button (the wheel  
mouse button on an IntelliMouse) and click on the left hand mouse button to select  
the next computer or the right hand mouse button to select the previous computer. If  
the CPU Switch Smart has been set to scan active ports then the next or previous  
active channel will be selected. If it has been set to scan all ports then the next or  
previous numerical channel in sequence will be selected (see section 4.5 for more  
details). Mouse switching may be enabled or disabled by setting options during  
configuration (see section 4.3). When mouse switching is disabled the third button or  
wheel button state is ‘passed through’ the CPU Switch Smart and seen by the  
application software.  
Hold down centre button (  
Press and release left hand button  
) to select next computer  
Hold down centre button (  
Press and release right hand button  
( ) to select previous computer  
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4. CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
configuration options  
All the options described in this section are entered in CPU Switch Smart SUN-  
MAC-PC configure mode - see section 2.6 for instructions on entering configure  
4.1 Screen s aver time delay  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC contains a programmable screen saver which will  
blank the display after the set time delay with no keyboard or mouse activity. Simply  
typing at the keyboard or moving the mouse will re-enable the display. The display  
will flash whilst the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is in screen save mode.  
B1 - screen saver disabled (default)  
B2 - Blank screen after 1 minute of inactivity  
B3 - Blank screen after 2 minutes of inactivity  
B4 - Blank screen after 4 minutes of inactivity  
B5 - Blank screen after 8 minutes of inactivity  
B6 - Blank screen after 12 minutes of inactivity  
B7 - Blank screen after 16 minutes of inactivity  
B8 - Blank screen after 20 minutes of inactivity  
4.2 Autos can lock on’ mode and delay time  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC can be set to select each channel in turn for a  
period of time set by the autoscan delay time. Autoscan mode is entered by typing  
the hotkey keys together with ‘A’. By default, only those channels which have a  
powered up computer connected to them will be scanned. Sometimes it may be  
desirable to scan all channels, even if the attached computer is switched off (this will  
simply show a blank screen when it is selected). All the CPU Switch Smart SUN-  
MAC-PCs ports will be scanned if option L2 is selected. Some applications may also  
require the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to power on in autoscan mode. This  
feature can be selected using the L3 or L4 options.  
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L1 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC only locks on to active ports during  
autoscanning (default)  
L2 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC locks on to every port in turn during  
L3 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to  
active ports only  
L4 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to  
all ports  
T1 - 2 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port (default)  
T2 - 5 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T3 - 7 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T4 - 10 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T5 - 15 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T6 - 20 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T7 - 30 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
T8 - 60 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port  
Note: Autoscan mode is ended simply by selecting a fixed channel using the  
keypad, the keyboard hotkeys or the mouse.  
WARNING - Many modern monitors are fitted with automatic power s ave  
relays and will s witch off after a few s econds if connected to an inactive PC. If  
you are us ing s uch a monitor you mus t not us e the L2 feature. Cons tant  
s witching on and off of your monitor's relay will eventually damage your  
4.3 Mous e mode and mous e s witching of channels  
A three button PS/2 mouse or an IntelliMouse can be used to switch channels on the  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. To switch to the next channel, the user simply  
holds down the central button or wheel button and presses the left or right hand  
button to change the channel (see section 3.5). If the user does not wish to take  
advantage of this feature, it can be disabled by selecting U2, U3 or U5. If the third  
button is being used to switch the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC then it is not  
available for use with PC software although the function of an IntelliMouse wheel is  
not affected. Consequently in modes U1, U2 and U4 the CPU Switch Smart SUN-  
MAC-PC reports to the PCs that a 2 button mouse is connected. If you wish to use  
the full function of a 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse for your PC software then you  
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should select options U3 or U5.  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC supports Internet Mice’ that are compatible  
with the Microsoft IntelliMouse. These are fitted with a wheel or other scroll control  
and sometimes have additional buttons.  
Examples are:  
Microsoft IntelliMouse  
Logitech Pilot Mouse +  
Logitech MouseMan+  
Genius NetMouse  
Genius NetMouse Pro  
Standard PS/2 and IntelliMouse compatible mice can be connected to the control  
port. You may configure your CPUs using Microsoft PS/2 or IntelliMouse drivers in  
any combination as required. The IntelliMouse features are supported on both PS/2  
and RS232 CPU connections. When using PS/2 CPU connections, the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC will automatically configure itself to the type of mouse  
requested by the driver. If you are using RS232 CPU connections then you will need  
to select mouse options U4 or U5 to enable the IntelliMouse features.  
U1 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are switchable using a 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U2 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U3 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports 3 button mouse mode to PCs)  
U4 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)  
U5 - CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC channels are not switchable using 3 button  
mouse or IntelliMouse  
(CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)  
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4.4 Keyboard hotkey combination  
The keyboard hotkey combination is used to change a channel, set autoscan mode  
or secure the product (so that the password needs to be typed before it can be used  
again). The following keyboard hotkey combinations can be selected. These hotkey  
combinations are used together with the command keys to trigger the required CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC function. The left and right alt key combination is  
particularly suitable for extended keyboards where additional keys can be  
programmed to act as a combination of other keys. Such keyboards are supplied  
with many Gateway 2000 computers. Programming spare keys to trigger the hotkey  
combination allows channels to be selected via a single key stroke.  
H1 - CTRLand ALT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate) (default)  
H2 - CTRLand SHIFT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate)  
H3 - ALT’ and SHIFT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate)  
H4 - RIGHT ALT’ key  
H5 - LEFT ALT’ and RIGHT ALT’ keys together  
H6 - LEFT CTRLand LEFT ALT’ keys together  
H7 - RIGHT CTRL’ and RIGHT ALT’ keys together  
H8 - No hotkey enabled  
4.5 Cycling between all channels or jus t the active channels  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC can be set to cycle between all channels or  
just the active channels when using Hotkeys + Tab’ or a three button mouse to  
switch the channel. This avoids wasting time viewing channels that are not active.  
Option are:  
U7 – Cycle between all ports when switching with Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button  
mouse (default)  
U8 – Cycle between active ports only when switching with Hotkeys + Tab’ or three  
button mouse  
4.6 Firmware functions (vers ion query, mous e res tore and res et)  
For technical support purposes, it may be necessary to find the firmware release  
version for the control software in your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. For  
example, if the release version is v1.29 the response shown to F1f will be a  
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brief display of the digit ‘1, then F2fwill be a brief display of the digit ‘2, then  
F3fwill be a brief display of the digit ‘9. You can reset all of the configured  
options back to the factory default states by typing F8f. Use options  
F5fand F6fto restore mouse function on disconnected PS/2 CPU  
mouse connections.  
F1 - Display firmware first digit (Note: F1 is Ffollowed by 1NOT l)  
F2 - Display firmware second digit  
F3 - Display firmware third digit  
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function to the currently selected CPUs mouse port  
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function to the currently selected CPUs mouse port  
F8 - Reset all configurations to factory default settings. An ‘r’ will show briefly on the  
display to confirm that the reset has been completed.  
4.7 Setting a s ecurity pas s word  
There are many situations where unrestricted access to corporate file servers or  
sensitive information needs to be controlled. In such circumstances, the CPU Switch  
Smart SUN-MAC-PC can be locked away in a room or secure cabinet and controlled  
remotely. In this mode typing the keyboard hotkeys together with 'L' will blank the  
screen, disconnect the keyboard and mouse from all of the computers and display  
P’ on the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC display. Control can only be regained by  
typing the correct password on the keyboard.  
To set the password in configure mode, first type P then (return). The display on  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC will change to show =' and you can then type  
your password. The password is not case sensitive and can be any combination of  
key strokes, including the function keys, but excluding the (ctrl), (alt), (shift) and  
(return) keys and the keys that only appear on a Sun type keyboard (i.e. Help, Stop,  
Again, props, Undo, Front, Copy, Open, Paste, Find, Cut and the media control  
keys). When you have typed in your password type (return) to register it in the  
stored memory. Do not worry if you type the password incorrectly, you can always  
re-enter configure mode and set the password again. If you have lost the password  
and the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is locked, the unit may be unlocked by  
powering down the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC, entering configure mode at  
power on (see section 2.6), and performing a complete reset using the F8 function.  
NOTE - The password consists of a combination of key strokes rather like the code  
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to a safe. The key strokes are not case sensitive and can include all the keys on the  
keyboard (except ctrl, alt, shift and enter). Consequently the following 'password'  
would be valid:  
4.8 Cas cade query code  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs use a special query code’ to detect whether  
or not they are connected to another CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. By default  
your CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC uses query code AD. CPU Switch Junior  
(another range of keyboard / mouse / video switches from LINDY Electronics) units  
with firmware versions less than 1.09 used query code EF. This was found to conflict  
with a small number of other (rare) devices that used the same query code so an  
alternative query code was provided to ensure compatibility. Either query code may  
be used but you should make sure that all cascaded CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-  
PC and CPU Switch Junior units are set to use the same query code. If any of the  
cascaded CPU Switch Junior have firmware versions less than 1.09 then the  
cascade query code for all the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCs and CPU Switch  
Junior should be set to EF.  
L7 – Cascade query code = AD (default)  
L8 – Cascade query code = EF  
4.9 Res olving s low mous e problems  
Due to certain technical reasons some systems running particular combinations of  
operating system and mouse drivers are sensitive to small timing changes relating to  
mouse communications. The introduction of a switch like the CPU Switch Smart  
inevitably causes some timing changes and in rare cases interactions have been  
observed that causes the mouse to run very slowly. Certain HP Vectra computers  
running later versions of Windows NT with Logitech mouse drivers and Logitech  
mice have been observed to exhibit such interactions with older switches. One  
solution to this problem is to change the mouse driver.  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is a high performance device that is carefully  
engineered to minimise such interactions and should not exhibit this characteristic.  
Nevertheless such interactions are unpredictable and so the CPU Switch Smart is  
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fitted with a feature that ensures that the mouse can never operate at a very slow  
rate regardless of such interactions. This feature is activated using the following  
L5 – Allow the mouse to run at any speed (default)  
L6 – Don't allow the mouse to run at very slow speeds  
4.10 Sun keyboard type  
The CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC interrogates any attached Sun keyboard to  
find out its country code / type setting. This is then communicated back to any  
attached Sun computer. If a Sun keyboard is not attached then the MP will report a  
default type setting as defined below.  
D1 - Sun default keyboard type = UK (default setting)  
D2 - Sun default keyboard type = UNIX / US  
4.11 Us ing the Sun keyboard's "hot media" keys to s elect  
The four "hot media" keys on the top right hand side of a Sun keyboard can be re-  
allocated to change the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC's channel. When the  
functions of these keys have been reallocated they will not be available for computer  
S1 - Enable "hot media" keys (default)  
S2 - Disable "hot media" keys  
4.12 Cus tomis ing the Sun keyboard operation to force the  
generation of a £  
In some circumstances it is useful to reallocate the Shift + 3 key combination to force  
the generation of a pound sign. This is done using the following options.  
S3 - Enable shift-3 remap  
S4 - Disable shift-3 remap (default)  
4.13 Exit configure mode  
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When you have finished configuring any special options, simply type E followed by  
(return) to exit configure mode and return to normal operation mode. The attached  
computers can now be switched on.  
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Appendix A. Cable and connector  
s pecifications  
The maximum cable lengths s upported vary widely between devices and  
cables . It may be pos s ible to us e cables that are longer than thos e s pecified  
below with certain computers and peripherals but this cannot be guaranteed.  
If you experience problems try us ing s horter cables .  
A1. Keyboard, monitor and mous e to CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-  
All of the shared devices plug directly into the relevant ports at the rear of the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. If you use a PC AT style keyboard you will need an AT  
(5 pin DIN female) to PS/2 (6 pin mini-DIN male) converter.  
Cable s pecification (s elf-powered operation):  
Keyboard, monitor and mouse cables should be no longer than 2 metres.  
Cable s pecification (with optional power adapter):  
Keyboard, monitor and mouse extension cables can be used to increase the  
distance from CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC up to 10m. Most keyboards and  
mice will also operate at distances of 20 metres.  
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A2. CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to computers 1 to 4  
Cables for connection to PCs :  
When used without the optional power adapter, cables to PCs may be up to 5  
metres long. With the optional power adapter the cables may be extended up to 30  
metres using standard extension cables. Video extension cables should be good  
quality with a coaxial construction and should support the DDC (Display Data  
Channel) signals (pins 12 and 15 on the 15-way video connector). Please contact  
your supplier if you have any questions.  
Part code  
Des cription  
Cable for connection to PCs (with audio)  
Cable for connection to PCs (with audio)  
2 metres  
5 metres  
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Cables for connection to Sun computers with 8-pin keyboard/mous e  
connectors :  
When used without the optional power adapter, cables to Sun computers with 8 pin  
mini-DIN keyboard/mouse connectors may be up to 5 metres long. With the optional  
power adapter the cables may be extended up to 30 metres using standard  
extension cables.  
Part code  
Des cription  
Cable for Sun (8-pin style) with audio  
Cable for Sun (8-pin style) with audio  
2 metres  
5 metres  
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Cables for connection to computers with USB keyboard/mous e connections :  
Part code  
Des cription  
Cable for USB-enabled computers with audio  
Cable for USB-enabled computers with audio  
2 metres  
5 metres  
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Adapters :  
70058 mous e adapter - This is required if you wish to connect a computer that has  
a 9-pin serial mouse connection:  
Cables should be no longer than 30 metres.  
NOTE - There are s everal common wiring s pecifications for 6-pin mini-DIN to  
9-pin s erial adapters . If you have an adapter that has been s upplied with a  
mous e it may have a completely different internal wiring to that s hown above  
and may not be compatible with the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  
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70130 keyboard adapter - If your PC has a 5-pin DIN AT style keyboard connector  
you will need a PS/2 to AT keyboard adapter 6-pin mini-DIN female to 5-pin DIN  
70127 video adapter - If your Sun computer has a 13W3 video connector then you  
will need to fit a 15-way D-type to 13W3 video adapter onto the end of the Sun  
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A.3 Flas h upgrade cable connection  
The cable connections shown below are to connect either COM1 or COM2 of a PC  
to the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC to allow flash upgrades.  
Appendix B. Problem Solving  
Mouse causes channel to change.  
Some cheaper mice are not fully compatible with the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC and can lose  
data causing the channel to be changed (if mouse switching of channels is enabled). If you  
experience this problem then change the mouse and use a Microsoft, Sun, Logitech, IBM, Compaq or  
Hewlett-Packard type. If your computer is a PC then ensure that you are using a Microsoft compatible  
mouse driver. Some other manufacturers’ drivers may switch the mouse to use a proprietary mouse  
data format not supported by the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC. If you have unplugged and re-  
connected a mouse to the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC then ensure that you reset it using the  
mouse reset function (see section 2.10).  
Mouse jumps around the screen after disconnecting the mouse cable or powering down the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC.  
If you have disconnected and re-connected a CPU mouse cable or you have powered down the CPU  
Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC then the mouse data format may be out of synchronisation with that  
required by the PC (PS/2 or Intellimouse). Try the restore Intellimouse’ function (F6) to resolve the  
problem or re-power the CPU.  
On PCs, mouse moves very slowly but otherwise functions correctly.  
Change the mouse driver to a Microsoft type or take the action recommended in section 4.9.  
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w w w .LINDY.c o m  
CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC  

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